What’s Next for Children & Families? Let’s Talk!

When a new federal administration took over, concerns arose over the future of programs vital to the health and well-being of children and families, such as the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and CHIP. Today, because of these programs, 97% of all children in California have coverage and more are enrolling with the State’s recent expansion of Medi-Cal to include undocumented children.

In response, The Children’s Partnership worked closely with education and community partners to host a series of community forums to connect with families and respond to questions and concerns about their child’s health care, including questions related, but not limited, to immigration.

Today, we continue host Let’s Talk forums to inform families about the latest changes to policies and programs impacting the health of their children. Join us.

Proposed Let’s Talk Agenda:

  • Introductions of speakers & partners
  • Brief State & Federal Update
  • Short presentation of concerns & relevant topics (guided by questions above)
  • Q & A session for families
  • Announcements & Resources

Outreach Tools Provided by TCP:

  • Social media graphics
  • Collateral Materials
  • Pre-made robocall scripts
  • Events flyers

Like many of our partners, we are here to protect and promote affordable health coverage and support children and families. Contact us at allinforhealth@childrenspartnership.org for help organizing an event at your school.

For a complete list of our Let’s Talk events and other community engagements, visit the TCP Community Engagement Page.