Good oral health is linked to long-term overall health and academic opportunity, however, caries–or tooth decay–remain the most common chronic disease among children in the United States, despite being preventable. ALL IN For Health is here with materials to help families navigate oral health within Medi-Cal.
In California, tooth decay is a significant public health problem, especially for young children. By the third grade, six in 10 children (61 percent) have experienced tooth decay and one in five children (22 percent) have untreated tooth decay.
Read more in our National Children’s Oral Health Month blog and see below for resources in multiple languages from our partner Smile California.
Oral Health Resources and Information
Let’s Talk: Oral Health for Kids
Taking care of your child’s mouth and teeth will help them become a healthy adult. This brochure provides valuable tips for keeping your child’s mouth healthy and preventing tooth decay. It also contains important information about dental coverage for children and why oral health matters.
Spanish version available here:
Hay Que Platicar: Saludar Oral Para Los Ninos
Medi-Cal Has Dental Covered Flyer in English and Spanish
The Medi-Cal Dental Program provides free and low-cost services for Medi-Cal members. This flyer includes a helpful chart which outlines the dental services that are covered for members of all ages.
Other languages available here:
Arabic, Armenian, Chinese (Simplified), Farsi, Hindi, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Punjabi, Russian, Tagalog, Thai, Vietnamese.
Molar Sealants
Molar Sealants are clear, protective coatings put on permanent first and second molars to help keep them healthy and protected from cavities. The Medi-Cal Dental Program covers sealants for children and teens up to age 21. Check out this Molar Sealant Information Sheet and Infographic to learn more about what molar sealants are and how they help protect against cavities.
Other languages available here:
Cambodian, Chinese (Simplified), Hmong, Korean, Tagalog, Thai and Vietnamese.
Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Flyer in English and Spanish
To make sure your child is ready for school, California law requires that children have a dental assessment by May 31 in either kindergarten or first grade, whichever is their first year in public school. This is known as the Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment or KOHA. Visit to learn more about the KOHA, download free resources, and to find a dental home for you and your family.
Flyer for Former Foster Youth in English and Spanish
Because of the 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA), if you were in foster care at age 18 or older, you may qualify for full scope Medi-Cal under the Former Foster Youth program. The Medi-Cal Dental Program offers free and low-cost services. Check out this flyer to see what dental services are covered for former foster youth by Medi-Cal.
Brochure for Pregnant Medi-Cal Members
Good dental health is important at every stage of life, especially during pregnancy! Regular brushing and flossing, eating a balanced diet and visiting the dentist regularly help reduce dental problems that often accompany pregnancy. Medi-Cal covers dental during pregnancy and 12 months postpartum. Learn more by reading this flyer.
Spanish version available here:
Folleto sobre el cuidado del embarazo
Is it Teething Time for Your Baby? Flyer in English and Spanish
Baby teeth start growing in around 4 to 6 months old but can appear as late as 12 months. They may feel some discomfort, which is normal. This flyer includes common teething symptoms and tips on how to help your baby. To learn about covered services for you and your baby, visit
Dental Health Education Packets
Our partner Smile, California has three Children’s Dental Health Education Packages which were made for children of various ages and include a variety of educational activities for them to complete. The packages also include lesson guides for educators.
Dental Health Resources for Pregnant Individuals
Smile, California has created a highly visual tri-fold brochure that is designed to inform pregnant women and new moms about the importance of good oral health for both them and their infants. The piece features an educational oral health journey from pregnancy through the toddler years to educate individuals on how to care for their child’s oral health to ensure a healthy smile and features information about the Medi-Cal Dental Program. The campaign also has additional resources for new and expecting parents. Click the links below to view and download the resources.